Two Employee Surveys Reveal Insights on AI in the Workplace

In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace has become a hot topic. Two recent surveys, one by Salesforce and another by Randstad, shed light on how employees really view AI in the workplace. These surveys reveal that employees are not only eager to use AI but also recognize the need for proper training and official adoption to address security, privacy, and ethical concerns.

71% of employees surveyed say generative AI makes them more productive at work, and 58% say it makes them more engaged - Source: Salesforce
Image Source: Salesforce

According to the Salesforce survey, a significant percentage of employees are already leveraging AI tools to enhance their productivity and efficiency. The survey reveals that 76% of employees believe that AI has improved their job performance, and 67% feel that AI has made their work more enjoyable. However, the survey also highlights concerns about data privacy and security, with 58% of employees worried about the misuse of their personal information

The Randstad Workmonitor 2024 survey echoes these findings, showing that 72% of employees are using AI tools in their daily tasks. The survey also points out that 64% of employees feel that their employers are not doing enough to address the ethical implications of AI. This gap in official AI adoption poses a risk to both employees and organizations, as unregulated AI use can lead to data breaches, privacy violations, and ethical dilemmas.

More than 50% of employers ban AI, yet over 72% of employees report using AI. Do you see the risk of not official adopting AI?

More than 50% of employers ban AI, yet over 72% of employees report using AI. Do you see the risk of not official adopting AI?

Interestingly, both surveys reveal that a significant number of employers are not officially allowing the use of AI tools. The Salesforce report indicates that more than 50% of employees are using AI without proper training or official approval from their employers.

This contrast raises an important question: How is it possible that over 70% of employees are utilizing AI at work while more than 50% of employers do not officially permit its use? The answer lies in the use of personal devices. Employees are accessing AI tools on their own devices to enhance their work, but this practice poses significant risks. Without official adoption and proper training, employees may inadvertently share company data with unregulated AI tools, leading to potential data breaches and privacy violations.

Moreover, there is a common misconception that employees are afraid AI will make them lose their jobs. This fear has paralyzed many employers, making them hesitant to embrace AI tools. However, the data from these surveys paints a different picture. The Randstad survey shows that 68% of employees are eager to use AI to enhance their work. This indicates that employees are not only ready to embrace AI but are also looking forward to the benefits it can bring to their roles.

68% of employees are eager to use AI to enhance their work

To mitigate these risks and harness the potential of AI, it is crucial for companies to adopt AI officially and implement robust policies that prioritize security, privacy, and ethics. One effective approach is to provide comprehensive training to three key audiences: leadership, technical teams, and employees.

Leadership training should focus on understanding the strategic importance of AI and its potential impact on the organization. Technical teams need in-depth training on AI technologies, data security, and privacy measures to develop and maintain secure AI systems. Employees should be educated on the ethical use of AI, data privacy, and security best practices to empower them to use AI tools responsibly.

In conclusion, while employees are already embracing AI in the workplace, it is imperative for companies to officially adopt AI with a focus on security, privacy, and ethics. By providing targeted training to leadership, technical teams, and employees, organizations can harness the full potential of AI while safeguarding their workforce and data.

SAVAGE AI provides AI classes tailored for three distinct audiences, which can be viewed on their website. These live instructor-led training sessions are designed to equip teams with the skills necessary to implement AI applications swiftly and efficiently.


  1. Salesforce survey
  2. Randstad Workmonitor 2024 survey
  3. How to Successfully Adopt AI in Your Business