Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About AI Training

Here our FAQ section can help you find quick answers about AI training. Reach out to our team for personalized support as you explore the possibilities with SAVAGE AI.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like having a smart helper that can learn, think, and even do tasks for you. Imagine it as a digital brain that can understand patterns, solve problems, and even make decisions.

It’s the magic behind voice assistants, recommendation systems, and self-driving cars. So, when you see a computer doing something smart, chances are it’s using AI! 

And the cool part? It understands your language, so you don’t need to be a techie to use it. It is more like a friendly chat!  😊

Is AI really a big deal for my business?

Absolutely! Let’s dive into why AI is more than just hype:

  1. AI’s Real Impact: While many ideas and inventions have fallen short of their promises, AI is already reshaping industries. Think of it like the advent of the motor vehicle, the telephone, and the internet. In all three instances, businesses slow to adopt these technologies missed the boat. AI is no different—it’s not just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer.
  2. Revolutionizing Industries: AI isn’t confined to sci-fi movies. It’s powering self-driving cars, personalizing recommendations on streaming platforms, and even diagnosing diseases. Businesses that embrace AI gain a competitive edge. Imagine automating repetitive tasks, predicting customer behavior, and optimizing supply chains—all thanks to AI.
  3. The Catch-Up Challenge: If you don’t adopt AI in your organization, you risk falling behind. Your competitors are already leveraging it to enhance productivity, improve decision-making, and create innovative solutions. Don’t be left playing catch-up; jump aboard the AI express!
  4. Training Your Team: Ready to ride the AI wave? Start by getting your team trained. Our instructor-led classes provide hands-on learning, expert guidance, and practical skills. Click here for more information on how to kickstart your AI journey.

Remember, AI isn’t just a buzz—it’s the future knocking at your door. Open it, and let innovation sail you forward! 🚀

Will letting my team use AI cause problems?

Excellent question! Here’s the scoop:

  1. The Current Landscape: The fact is, some team members are already dabbling with AI—without proper guidance or training. It’s like handing someone a powerful tool without an instruction manual. Ignoring AI’s use or leaving it to individual discretion can lead to unintended consequences.
  2. The Hidden Risks: When AI runs wild, it can cause issues. Imagine biased algorithms making critical decisions, chatbots misunderstanding customer inquiries, or models overfitting data. These hiccups can impact productivity, customer satisfaction, and even legal compliance.
  3. The Solution: Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, why not take a proactive approach? Learn AI best practices! Understand how to wield this digital wizardry effectively. Our instructor-led classes provide the compass you need to navigate the AI landscape. Check them out here.
  4. Benefits Await: AI isn’t just a Pandora’s box; it’s a treasure chest. When used wisely, it streamlines processes, automates tasks, and unlocks insights. Your organization can gain a competitive edge, optimize operations, and create innovative solutions.

So, don’t shy away from AI—embrace it! Equip your team with knowledge, and watch the magic unfold.🌟

How do I get my team to use AI quickly and efficiently?

The solution is straightforward! Consider the following steps:

  1. Scheduled Online Classes: Enroll your team in our scheduled online classes. These sessions are designed to impart essential AI knowledge efficiently. Your team will benefit from structured learning, expert guidance, and interactive discussions.
  2. Customized Consultation: After the initial class, schedule a custom AI training session tailored specifically to your company’s requirements. Our instructors will address your team’s unique needs, ensuring maximum relevance and impact. Contact us today for a consultation.
  3. Get IT Engaged: Challenge your IT team to learn and further incorporate AI into your business. We offer Microsoft’s Official Curriculum courses to help your IT team on their journey to become certified AI experts.

By opting for instructor-led classes, you’re investing in your employees’ time and your organization’s resources. The return on investment (ROI) is substantial, as your team gains proficiency in AI swiftly and effectively.

In summary, our instructor-led training ensures that your team embraces AI with confidence, efficiency, and measurable results.💡

If AI is so easy to use, why would my team need training?

Instructor-led training offers several advantages that can significantly enhance your team’s learning experience:

  1. Interactive Sessions: Engage in lively discussions, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback from the instructor. This interactive approach not only deepens your understanding of the material but also aids memory retention.
  2. Structured Approach: Instructor-led training is meticulously organized, with clear goals and a coherent sequence of topics. This ensures that you stay on track and receive comprehensive coverage of the material.
  3. Motivation & Team Building: Learning in a group setting fuels motivation. Beyond that, it fosters team-building. You’ll not only connect with the content but also collaborate with peers, enriching the overall learning journey.
  4. Expert Insight: Tap into the wisdom of experienced instructors. Their in-depth knowledge and practical advice empower you to apply what you learn effectively in your professional life.
  5. Personalized Support: Instructor-led training provides tailored guidance, accelerating your team’s learning journey. They’ll become proficient in AI more quickly and effectively.

In summary, instructor-led training offers a structured, collaborative, and expert-driven approach that yields lasting results. ✨

I have heard about ChatGPT, is that what we are talking about?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is like a treasure chest of possibilities. It’s not just about ChatGPT; there’s a whole universe of AI tools out there! These tools can revolutionize how your team works. But here’s the twist: most people have interacted with the free version of ChatGPT.

Now, let’s talk about that free version. It’s like a friendly AI neighbor who’s always up for a chat. But, like any neighbor, it has its quirks:

  1. Limited Context: The free ChatGPT doesn’t have a great memory. It might forget what you said a few lines ago. So, complex conversations can sometimes feel like playing “telephone.”
  2. Generic Responses: It’s like having a chatty encyclopedia. You ask a question, and it gives you a well-researched answer—but sometimes lacks that personal touch.
  3. Occasional Nonsense: Just like your quirky neighbor who occasionally rambles about conspiracy theories, ChatGPT might produce some nonsensical sentences. It’s part of its charm!

But fear not! Our instructor-led classes take you beyond the free version. Our expert instructors guide you through the AI galaxy, helping you wield these tools like seasoned space explorers. So, buckle up, because this AI journey is about to get interstellar! 🚀

We are already using Microsoft in our organization, which AI tools should we use?

If your organization is similar to the 83% of Fortune 500 companies that use Microsoft Office 365, then you’re already in a great position to leverage Microsoft Copilot! Here’s why it’s a smart move:

  1. ChatGPT 4: Microsoft Copilot is powered by ChatGPT 4, an advanced language model. It’s like having a super-smart chat companion that can assist with writing, brainstorming, and problem-solving.
  2. Internet Access: Microsoft Copilot has access to the vast knowledge of the internet. It can fetch relevant information, provide summaries, and keep you informed.
  3. Integration with other Microsoft Apps: Microsoft Copilot seamlessly integrates into your existing Microsoft apps. Whether it’s Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, Microsoft CoPilot enhances your productivity by suggesting content, refining drafts, and even generating code snippets.
  4. Organization Data: Microsoft Copilot understands your organization’s context. It can pull insights from your data, making its responses more relevant and tailored to your business needs.
  5. Security: Your IT team can curate which of your company resources Microsoft Copilot has access to. For more information about training for your IT team check out Microsoft’s AI-900 and AI-102 courses.

So, embrace the power of Microsoft Copilot—it’s like having an AI co-worker who’s always ready to assist! 👩‍💼

Why do your Microsoft official classes cost less than other training providers?

As a Microsoft Partner, we are uniquely positioned to offer high-quality training at a more affordable price. Our trainers are all Microsoft Certified Trainers, and we use Microsoft Official Courses to ensure you receive the best possible education. By focusing exclusively on AI training and achieving operational excellence, we can pass on the savings to you, providing better value-added solutions for your learning needs.

Click here for more information regarding our Microsoft AI Classes.

Can’t my team just learn AI on their own for free?

The truth is, some people can learn how to use AI by watching YouTube videos or subscribing to low-cost pre-recorded content. However, live instructor-led classes provide several advantages that your team might find valuable:

  1. Guidance from Experts: Instructors in live classes are seasoned professionals who can guide you through complex topics, answer questions, and share real-world insights.
  2. Interactive Learning: Live classes allow for interactive discussions, hands-on exercises, and personalized feedback. You’re not just a passive viewer; you actively engage with the material.
  3. Structured Curriculum: Instructor-led courses follow a well-organized curriculum, ensuring comprehensive coverage of essential concepts. It’s like having a roadmap to AI success.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Interacting with fellow learners and instructors fosters connections, collaboration, and potential partnerships. Who knows? Your next project collaborator might be in the same virtual classroom!
  5. Accountability: Regular class schedules keep you on track. It’s harder to procrastinate when you have live sessions to attend.

So, while free online resources are valuable, consider the unique benefits that our instructor-led classes offer. They’re like turbocharged learning experiences for your AI journey! 🚀

What is the teaching method at SAVAGE AI?

We emphasize practical application. Our live instructor-led learning method integrates discussion, demonstration, and hands-on practice to reinforce essential concepts. Our instructors, seasoned industry experts, bring years of teaching experience to the classroom.  🌟

What kind of support will we receive during the course?

SAVAGE AI provides your team the comprehensive support they need to learn AI throughout each course. They will have access to our instructors and support staff for any queries or assistance. 😊

How do you handle my personal information when I sign up for a class?

When you sign up for a class, we collect your name, email address, and any other relevant information needed to provide details about the event. We use this information to keep you informed about the class and any updates. For more details on how we collect, use, and protect your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Can I get a refund if I cancel my class sign-up?

Yes, you can receive a full refund if you cancel your class sign-up up to 2 days before the event. If you cancel within 2 days of the event, you will not be eligible for a refund, but you can reschedule or attend a future event within 6 months of the original purchase date. For more details, please refer to our Refund and Cancellation Policy.

Do you provide Certificates of Completion?

Yes, we issue Certificates of Completion to all students who attend the entire course. Each certificate features the student’s name, the date, the course title, and the total hours completed. Additionally, a QR code is included for easy verification of the certificate. Here is an example of such a certificate…

Example of Certificate of Completion with Validation QR Code

Do you provide course materials?

On the first day of class, students will receive access to digital courseware for each course they attend. They can log into our website to access these materials for future reference.

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